There’s been a lot written about expecting the unexpected. Reactions to the phrase run the gamut from rolled eyes and “Really? You’re quoting that?” to “Yep, that’s true.” 

Apparently, Coach Bear Bryant used this phrase often. And Oscar Wilde said, “To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect.”

One of my favorite versions of this expression is, “What you’re seeking will not come in the form you’re expecting.” So true, especially on our writing path. Here’s my most recent example:

If you had told me that I would become the next Poet Laureate of my small town I’d have laughed. Well, guess what?

I’m the new Poet Laureate of Hillsborough, N.C. There was a rigorous selection process and I’m very honored to be given this opportunity to share and promote poetry locally. When I received the email from an Arts Council rep saying, “You’re IT,” I was incredulous.

As you all know, I’m not that far along my poetry path, but I am completely devoted to it. So, here goes! During my two-year tenure, I’m planning to promote, “Community Poetry”. I plan to give folks across our town the opportunity to learn about and share *their* poetry. More on this soon… 

My thought to all you creatives is this: When the unexpected happens, embrace it. The Universe has provided you with “something” — take it, shape it, share it, promote it. It could be something difficult, something wonderful, or a mix of both. If you find $5.00, buy ice cream and give it to the kid asking for money outside the ice cream shop with his homeless friend. Just do it.

For now, know that amazing things await you and your art. As you honor your creative self by writing, painting, singing — the world will take notice in ways you least expect. Enjoy the adventure!