More often than not, when I encourage someone to express themselves through art, the first three words I hear are, “Oh, I can’t write / paint / sculpt / dance / play music…” 

Why is “can’t” your impulsive reply? Perhaps because it’s hard to live in today’s world without hearing about someone who is the “best in the school / country / world / universe / wherever” at what she does. We live in a world where almost every moment is spent striving for excellence. With school, sports, friends, or work the pressure to excel is enormous. No wonder it’s easy to compare ourselves to everyone else while conveniently forgetting your most fundamental truth: They are not You. 

Here’s what I suggest: Recognize you are unique. Only one of You exists on the planet at this moment. Your experience and artistry are yours alone. What matters is that you bring your art into the world in whatever way you can, using whatever means you have. Even Beethoven’s 5th Symphony can be played using a Stradivarius or an instrument made from someone else’s trash (look up “The Recycled Orchestra”). But it is always Beethoven’s 5th.

Now back to writing, especially poetry: Begin by writing a word or two or three (via pen and paper, computer, or in your own creative way). The blank space is your canvas – you’re completely free to throw words on it – what you write doesn’t have to be linear across the page, form complete sentences, or make sense. Own that freedom!

Here’s a quick example:

“word.   elegant in its aloneness.  brave enough to appear even though



                             the page

means    standing out     being different.   becoming Art.”

As you begin putting letters and words on a page, your inner muse (yes, you have one) will waken and help you bring your own creation into the world. Go for it, our world needs You and Your Art J.